
The amount of everyday objects augmented with computing technology is rapidly increasing. This allows to provide or use services of objects through the Internet, for instance controlling a device like a coffee machine or measuring the usage of a vending machine. Due to the growing relevance of the IoT in various domains we are offering a module dealing with its technologies (like Raspberry Pi, Arduino, MQTT, Node-Red, Johnny Five). In this WPF you will learn about the basics and the relevance of the IoT. During this project-oriented class you will learn how to connect non-computing devices to the Internet following an approach of brainstorming an idea, designing a system and prototyping a product.




  • This WPF is available for bachelor AI/ITM/MI/TI/WI
  • You can apply for this WPF module through HoPS soon.
  • Please also register on the module’s wiki page (login with GMID)
  • The course will be on German, most materials will be on English.
  • The kick off meeting will be on Oct 17th, 13 am.


Please see the module’s wiki page for most recent version (login with GMID).

Datum Startzeit Thema
17. Okt. 13:00 Kick Off
24. Okt. 13:00 Kreativitätstechniken
31. Okt. Reformationstag
07. Nov. 13:00 Elevator Pitches
14. Nov. 13:00 Präsentationen zu Expertenthemen
21. Nov. 13:00 Meeting “Realisierung der Idee”
28. Nov. EOB Deadline „Einkaufslisten“ (Eintrag im Wiki)
05. Dez 13:00 Meeting „Architektur und Technologien“
12. Dez. 13:00 Open Lab Meeting
19. Dez. 13:00 Demos „Work in Progress“
26. Dez. Weihnachten (Ferien)
02. Jan. QQ1 Woche (Ferien)
09. Jan. 13:00 Demos „Work in Progress“
16. Jan. 13:00 Open Lab Meeting
23. Jan. 14:30 Demos „Work in Progress“
30. Jan. 13:00 Open Lab Meeting
06. Feb. 13:00 Präsentationen und Demonstrationen
27. Feb. Abgabe der Projektberichte
  • Prototyping for the Internet of Things
  • My Caption
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