About this module In this module students will learn about the relevance, challenges and technologies of mobile software development. After taking part in this module they will be able to design, implement and manage mobile apps for smartphones. This module
Mobile Computing (WS 20/21)

In this WPF students will learn about the relevance, challenges and technologies of mobile software development. After taking part in this module they will be able to design, implement and manage mobile apps for smartphones. This module enables students to deal with their own mobile systems for other study projects, for their final theses or on job.
Mobile Computing (WS 19/20)

In this WPF students will learn about the relevance, challenges and technologies of mobile software development. After taking part in this module they will be able to design, implement and manage mobile apps for smartphones. This module enables students to deal with their own mobile systems for other study projects, for their final theses or on job.
WPF Internet of Things (WS18/19)

The amount of everyday objects augmented with computing technology is rapidly increasing. This allows to provide or use services of objects through the Internet, for instance controlling a device like a coffee machine or measuring the usage of a vending machine. Due to the growing relevance of the IoT in various domains we are offering a module dealing with its technologies. During this project-oriented WPF you will learn how to connect non-computing devices to the Internet following an approach of brainstorming an idea, designing a system and prototyping a product.
WPF Mobile Computing (SS18)

In this WPF students will learn about the relevance, challenges and technologies of mobile software development. After taking part in this module they will be able to design, implement and manage mobile apps for smartphones. This module enables students to deal with their own mobile systems for other study projects, for their final theses or on job.
Poster- und Demo-Session im WPF IoT

Im WPF “Internet of Things” finden am Dienstag, den 06. Februar, die Abschlusspräsentationen in Form einer Poster- und Demo-Session statt. Die Studierenden stellen ihre Projekte vor, an denen sie ein Semester lang gearbeitet haben und zeigen mithilfe der Poster die
Was sind die wichtigsten IT-Trends 2017?

Zu den zwei Trends Nr. 3 “Internet of Things” und Nr. 7 “Mobile Computing” bieten wir nächstes Semester wieder zwei WPFs an: WPF Internet of Things WPF Mobile Computing
WPF Internet of Things (WS17/18)

The amount of everyday objects augmented with computing technology is rapidly increasing. This allows to provide or use services of objects through the Internet, for instance controlling a device like a coffee machine or measuring the usage of a vending machine. Due to the growing relevance of the IoT in various domains we are offering a module dealing with its technologies. During this project-oriented WPF you will learn how to connect non-computing devices to the Internet following an approach of brainstorming an idea, designing a system and prototyping a product.
WPF Mobile Computing (WS17/18)

In this WPF students will learn about the relevance, challenges and technologies of mobile software development. After taking part in this module they will be able to design, implement and manage mobile apps for smartphones. This module enables students to deal with their own mobile systems for other study projects, for their final theses or on job.
Pitches im WPF IoT

Am 18. Januar finden die Pitches zu den digitalen Produkten statt, die in einer Kooperation der Lehrveranstaltungen “Entwicklung digitaler Geschäftsmodelle” (Prof. Zabel) und “Internet of Things” (Prof. Böhmer) entwickelt wurden. Hierzu kooperierten interdisziplinäre Teams aus BWL und Informatik, um eine Produktidee zu identifizieren und diese