Mobile Computing (WS 20/21)

Mobile Computing (WS 20/21)

In this WPF students will learn about the relevance, challenges and technologies of mobile software development. After taking part in this module they will be able to design, implement and manage mobile apps for smartphones. This module enables students to deal with their own mobile systems for other study projects, for their final theses or on job.

Neue Ideen mit 5G: TH Köln, Universität zu Köln und die Telekom eröffnen 5G Co:Creation Lab

Neue Ideen mit 5G: TH Köln, Universität zu Köln und die Telekom eröffnen 5G Co:Creation Lab

Startschuss für das 5G Co:Creation Lab: Am Standort Schanzenstraße der TH Köln haben Wirtschafts- und Digitalminister Prof. Dr. Andreas Pinkwart und Claudia Nemat, Telekom-Vorstand für Technologie und Innovation, das am Studiengang Code & Context angesiedelte Lab eröffnet, das die Telekom mit modernster 5G Standalone-Netztechnologie ausgerüstet hat.

Mobile Computing (WS 19/20)

Mobile Computing (WS 19/20)

In this WPF students will learn about the relevance, challenges and technologies of mobile software development. After taking part in this module they will be able to design, implement and manage mobile apps for smartphones. This module enables students to deal with their own mobile systems for other study projects, for their final theses or on job.

WPF Mobile Computing (SS18)

WPF Mobile Computing (SS18)

In this WPF students will learn about the relevance, challenges and technologies of mobile software development. After taking part in this module they will be able to design, implement and manage mobile apps for smartphones. This module enables students to deal with their own mobile systems for other study projects, for their final theses or on job.