About this module

In this module students will learn about the relevance, challenges and technologies of mobile software development. After taking part in this module they will be able to design, implement and manage mobile apps for smartphones. This module enables students to deal with their own mobile systems for other study projects, for their final theses or on job.

Learning Outcome

After taking part in this module students can design, develop and manage mobile software on their own. Therefore they learn about mobile computing following an incremental-iterative approach and apply their knowledge within a project by

  • developing software for mobile terminals,
  • structuring mobile software into its main components,
  • designing mobile software architectures,
  • reacting on the challenges of mobile networks,
  • and managing the distribution of an application.


  • This module is available for all computer science study programs
  • The kick off will be on Friday, Oct. 7, 2022, 9am
  • All information is available on our wiki and there is an Ilias group
  • The course will be on German, most materials will be on English



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