We have some new smartphones for teaching mobile computing available. If you are taking our WPF Mobile Computing or want do to a project or thesis related to mobile computing, please let us know. At this time we have some
First meetings of lectures (SS16)
Our lectures will start next week. These are the dates, times, and rooms of first meetings:
Betriebssysteme und verteilte Systeme (SS16)
Image source: Wikimedia, Ken Thompson (sitting) and Dennis Ritchie at PDP-11, published under CC Links zur Veranstaltung Materialien im Ilias Aufgaben für Praktikum im Ilias (Link folgt) Anmeldung zum Praktikum Wiki zum Praktikum Aus dem Hochschulnetz haben Sie Online Access
Some new arrivals for IoT projects
Some new arrivals for projects related to the Internet of Things. Among those are the new Raspberry Pi 3 (now with WiFi and BLE on board), Arduino Yun, some Photons, and some interesting sensors like for temperature, distance, buttons, rotary
WPF Mobile Computing (SS16)
In this elective module students will learn about the relevance, challenges and technologies of mobile software development. After taking part in this module they will be able to design, implement and manage mobile apps for smartphones. This module enables students to deal with their own mobile systems for other study projects, for their final theses or on job.
WPF Internet of Things (SS16)
The amount of everyday objects augmented with computing technology is rapidly increasing. This allows to provide or use services of objects through the Internet, for instance controlling a device like a coffee machine or measuring the usage of a vending machine. Due to the growing relevance of the IoT in various domains we are offering a module dealing with its technologies (like Raspberry Pi, Arduino, MQTT, Node-Red, Johnny Five). In this WPF you will learn about the basics and the relevance of the IoT. During this project-oriented class you will learn how to connect non-computing devices to the Internet.
Toolkit for Multi-Device Prototypes
Proposal for Student Project Prototyping is a strong method for designing new software interfaces. However, most current tools (like Axure) only focus on single-device applications. This makes it hard to prototype the experience of connected applications (like a remote control
Recognition of IoT Building Blocks
Proposal for Student Project Prototyping for the Internet of Things comes along with experimentation and testing of variations of components for new scenarios. For playing around with different use cases people test different sensors and actuators. For prototyping it would be interesting
Toolkit for IoT Prototypes
Proposal for Student Project The Internet of Things is a growing field with strong demand for elaboration of new use cases. Currently, it requires experts to prototype applications for new use cases leveraging Internet connected sensors, embedded computing and mobile
Public MQTT Brokers
While playing around with MQTT and testing applications it is always helpful to have a MQTT broker at hand. A public MQTT broker enables easy setups without setting up your own MQTT broker. We compiled a list of available brokers that can easily be